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Two Prostitutes


Two prostitutes in a van were driving through a small southern town displaying a sign on the side of their van that read: TWO PROSTITUTES LOOKING FOR WORK.
When pulled over by the local police, they were told that it was illegal to display such a sign on the side of their vehicle. About that time a van drives by with the sign JESUS SAVES proudly displayed on its side.
“Well that van had a sign on its side and you didn’t stop them”, argued one of the prostitutes to the police officer.
“Well that was a religious sign and that’s not illegal. You girls get out of town before morning,” replied the officer.
The next morning the same officer spotted the same van with the same two women in it proudly driving down Main Street. Immediately pulling the van over, he yelled, “I thought I told you two to get out of town before morning”
“But officer, we are not breaking any law now,” said one of the girls. Proudly displayed on the side of their van was a sign that read, TWO ANGELS LOOKING FOR PETER.

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