
Not so wise

On February 1, 2009

In a small southern town I saw a wonderful nativity scene, but one feature bothered me. The three wise men were wearing firemen's helmets. Unable to come up with a.

Dog Licking

In Jokes
On February 1, 2009
Two rednecks are walking down the street. One of them looks over and sees a dog licking himself on the sidewalk. He turns to the other redneck and says, "Hey look at that dog, don't you wish you could do that?" The other redneck says,...

In the BIG city

In Jokes
On January 27, 2009
A Kentucky family took a holiday to New York City. For an adventure the father took his son to see a skyscraper. They were amazed by everything they saw - especially the elevator at one end of the lobby. The boy asked, 'What's that there,...
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