
Stop Sucking Your Thumb!

In Uncategorized
On April 26, 2009
Little Jimmy Keller was 7 now and still sucking his thumb. His parents wanted him to stop so badly. Jimmy was in the habit and couldn't get out. His father would yell at him for it. They would threaten taking away video games and sports...

Just like Dad

On April 26, 2009

The bride, upon her engagement, went to her mother and said, "I've found a man just like father!" Her mother replied, "So what do you want from me, sympathy?" Submitted.

Lights out

In Uncategorized
On April 26, 2009
A man arrived at a seaside hotel where he had made a reservation rather late at night. All the lights were out, so he knocked on the door. After a long time a light appeared in an upstairs window and a woman called out, "Who...

Four Vets

On April 26, 2009

There were four vets sitting around a camp fire sharing war stories. A Blue Angle, A Navy Seal, Marine Forest Recon, and an Army Ranger. The Blue Angle spoke up.

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