Yo momma is so fat


Editor’s Note: We get so many yo momma jokes that I decided to group them. Keep checking back, this is likely to grow—-yo mama is so fat she said she wanted a water bed so she put a big blanket around the Pacifc ocean.yo mama is so fat she sat on a dollar and out popped four quarters, she stepped on one of those quarters and a booger popped out of George Washington’s noseyo mama is so fat that the last time she saw 90210……was on the SCALE”yo mama is so fat when her beeper goes off everyone thinks shes backing up.”yo mamma is so fat she is on both sides of the family.yo mamma is so fat the only way she can fit throw the door is saying I got the poweryo mamma is so fat when she got hit by a bus she said who threw that rock.”yo mamma is so fat when she had on yellow raincoat people called taxiyo mamma is so fat when she jumped into the ocean everyone yelled save the whales..yo mamma is so fat when she sits around the house she sits AROUND the houseyo mamma is so fat when she walked down the street people yelled EARTHQUAKEyo mamma is so fat, she has a watch on each wrist, one for each time zone”yo mamma is so fat, when she puts on jeans, they stretch out to look like panty-hose.yo mamma is so fat, when she saw a yellow bus she yelled, “”stop that twinki””yo momma is so fat Jupiter got jealousyo momma is so fat she fell in love and broke it.yo momma is so fat she got hit by a parked caryo momma is so fat she irons he jeans on the drive way.yo momma is so fat she just fatyo momma is so fat she uses a matress for a padyo momma is so fat she uses the equator for a beltyo momma is so fat she uses weather balloons for condomsyo momma is so fat she walked through the mall with a sign that said “”caution WIDE load””yo momma is so fat she’s on both sides of the family.yo momma is so fat when god said let there be light he asked her to move out of the way.yo momma is so fat when god said let there be light he told yo momma to move her fat ass.yo momma is so fat when she goes to the beach she blocks out the sunyo momma is so fat when she goes to the beach the people yell “”FREE WILLY,FREE WILLY””yo momma is so fat when she hauls ass, she has to make two trips”yo momma is so fat when she sat on a quarter a bugger popped out of George Washington’s nose.yo momma is so fat when she sat on the side walk it became a drive way!”yo momma is so fat when she sees a school bus she yells “”STOP THAT TWINKI!””yo momma is so fat when she sits around the house, SHE SITS AROUND THE HOUSE!yo momma is so fat when she weights herself the scale says one at a time pleasyo momma is so fat her blood type’s crisco”yo momma is so fat she has her own zip codeyo momma is so fat, she put a runner in her blue jeans.”yo momma is so fat, she was wearing a malcom X t-shirt and a helicopter landed on her back!yo Daddy so fat back in the days he was able to sit next to everyone, but still yo momma was bigger.yo momma has such fat thights she doesn’t use nail polish to fix runs in her hose, she uses a gallon of paint!yo momma’s so fat she had to be baptized at Sea World!yo moma so fat that a beach ball got stuck in her belly-buttonyo moma so fat she doesnt get cornrows she gets corn cropsyo Momma’s so fat she could only be yo momma!yo momma is so fat that she’s taller lying downyo’ momma is so fat her blood type is raguyo’ momma is so fat, when she was lost her picture took up all 4 sides of the milk cartonyo’ momma is so fat, her drivers license says,”picture continued on other side”yo’ momma is so fat, i had to take 2 cabs, 1 train, and an airplane just to get on her good side.yo mamma’s so fat that when she jumped up in the air she got stuck.yo mamma is so fat when she looks at the scale it reads “to be continued…”your momma’s so fat she uses the freeway as a slip n’ slideyo momma is so fat she was in the middle of the freeway and I tried to swerve around her, but I ran out of gas.Yo mamma is so fat that when she sits in a bath tub with a drop of water it overflows.your mama is so fat her cloths come in 3 different sizes, large,xtra large and oh my god it’s coming.Yo mammas so fat that when she walked outside in a red sweater, everyone yelled, “Kool Aid!”yo momma so fat,when she was floating in the ocean Spain claimed her as another land!

200430cookie-checkYo momma is so fat

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