Marriage Box


After the wedding, the bride put a box next to her bed and told her husband never to open and check, what’s inside of it.
Forty years passed and the wife fell very ill. When she had just a few more days to live, the husband impatiently opened the box and found there 3 empty bottles of beer and $14,000.
Coming to her bed, where she lay resting, he told his wife:
– Darling, I have to admit, I opened the box. Would you explain why there are 3 bottles?
– You see, whenever I cheated on you, I emptied a bottle of beer and put it in a box.
The husband gave it a pause and thought: well, 3 time isn’t so much.
– And why do you keep the $14,000 there?
– Well, when the bottles did not fit in the box, I returned them and get back the deposit.

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    • Everybody doesn’t always read the jokes daily! So, hush about the jokes being posted more than once! Hell, write your own damn jokes or look in the mirror and begin laughing uncontrollably ????

    • I love all of them this just happens to be the one I read today. Sometimes I read them multiple times

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