Two Hunters


Two hunters are out in the woods just as it’s starting to get dark. They are walking along and all of a sudden one of them yells “STOP, right now!” They had just stopped 4 inches from falling into a hole that looked to be 5 feet wide.
The other hunter says “OMG! You just saved our lives. We could have fallen into that hole. I can’t see the bottom; I wonder how deep it is?”
“Get something to throw in the hole and we’ll see.”
The other hunter looks around, finds an old anvil near them, picks it up and tosses it into the hole.
“Man, I haven’t heard it hit bottom yet, that’s one deep hole; let’s get away”
Within 8 seconds a goat ran past them and jumped right into the hole.
“Charlie, let’s get out of here, this is some spooky place!”
A few minutes later they come upon a farmer who asks “Hey hunters, have you seen a goat around here?”
“Yes we did, he just ran past us really, really fast and jumped right into a big old hole!”
“That’s impossible! I had him tied to an anvil!”

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