The Top 16 Surprises at a Nudist Restaurant


16> Let’s just say that getting wasabi in your eye isn’t the
worst thing that can happen.

15> Sizzling hot-plate dishes served with a side of aloe.

14> Who knew all the chefs at Benihana were Jewish?

13> Turns out silicone repels drawn butter, making lobster bibs

12> Their claim for “Best Sticky Buns in Town” refers to their
vinyl seats.

11> Paris Hilton banned from entering.  Hey, they’ve
got to maintain *some* standards.

10> The cook steadfastly refuses to budge from his “no bacon”

 9> You’d be amazed how many straws and extra napkins a
waitress can tuck into a fat roll.

 8> The waiters all wear thong hairnets.

 7> Surprisingly,
it’s easier to choke down snails when you’ve got boobs to look at.

 6> “Waiter, there’s soup in my hair!” frequently heard
throughout the evening.

 5> When you take out your credit card to pay, the
cashier bends over and asks you to swipe it.

 4> The napkin goes *under* your lap.

 3> Waiters no longer have to take the soup back to the
kitchen in order to get their revenge.

 2> Thanks to its extended “sneeze” guard, the salad
bar looks like the popemobile.

 1> “I beg your pardon, sir — I thought you were
signaling for the check.”

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[   Copyright 2005 by Chris
White    ]

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