A man of 77 went to the hospital to get a radical new surgical procedure done where they stretch the skin and pull all the wrinkles up onto the top.
A distraught senior citizen phoned her doctor's office. "Is it true," she wanted to know, "that the medication you prescribed has to be taken for the rest of my life?".
An old, hearing-impaired gentleman visited his doctor. At the end of the visit, his doctor warned him that he had a heart murmur and thus should be careful.Not even a.
"Poor old fool," thought this rich guy as he watched an old man trying to fish in a puddle of water outside of the bar. He decided to invite the.
Shirley and Abe, a rich retired couple from New York City living in Miami Beach, are getting ready to go out to dinner. Shirley says, "Abe, darling, do you want.
Two older women met for tea one day and started fussing about their husbands."I do wish my Leroy would stop biting his nails. The sound drives me crazy, and his.