Who was the worst golfplayer of all time? - Adolf Hitler, he never got out of the bunker.
Bumper sticker I spotted recently on the 405 freeway (In L.A.):"Honk if you've never seen an Uzi fired from a car window."
There was a youn girl from named Myer Who gave in to her lover's desire. She said, "It's a sin But now that it's in, Could you shove it a.
Why does Pamela Anderson have such a flat tummy? Nothing grows in the shade.
What do you call a deer with no eyes? No idear. What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs? Still no idear.
What is a ship that can never sink? Friendship.
Why do hummingbirds hum? - They don't know the words.
Take one out and scratch my head, What once was red is black instead. What am I? A match.
I can be very soft. You have to put me in very slowly, be very gentle with me and you have to wash me or you can get an infection..
There was this guy and he lived on the 52 level of a skyscraper, and worked on the 3 floor. When he goes to work he uses the elevator, however; when he come back up to his apartment he uses the elevator to the 36...