
Tie her to the tree

In Uncategorized
On February 10, 2009
One day I was shopping at my local drugstore when I noticed a new face behind the pharmaceutical counter. She was drop dead gorgeous and a beutiful set of tits to match. Well it didn't take a minute to turn on the flirt and ask...

Before it starts…

In Uncategorized
On February 8, 2009
A man comes home from an exhausting day at work, plops down on the couch in front of the television, and tells his wife, "Get me a beer before it starts!" The wife sighs and gets him a beer. Ten minutes later, he says, "Get...

The Trian!

In Uncategorized
On February 5, 2009
A man and his wife check into a hotel. The husband wants to have a drink at the bar, but his wife is extremely tired so she decides to go on up to their room to rest. She lies down on the bed... just then,...
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