
Supreme Decision

In Uncategorized
On January 28, 2009
The Supreme Court has ruled that there cannot be a nativity scene in Washington, D.C. this Christmas. This isn't for any religious reason, or church and state issues... "They simply have not been able to find three wise men and a virgin in the Nation's...

Coleman for Gov.

In Uncategorized
On January 22, 2009
Gary Coleman said that if he's elected governor of California, he's going to build condos for "little people." Everything will be scaled down to their size. Kitchen cabinets lower, sinks, toilets, etc., lower. And the tenants will not have to pay any rent. They'll be...

Dead pig

In Uncategorized
On January 19, 2009
Bill Clinton's limo is driving along a back country road on the way back to Washington from Camp David, when all of a sudden a pig jumps out in front of the limo. Bill, upset, tells the chauffeur to drive to the nearest farm house...
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