"I used to live for sex Now I'd die for some"
one liners
How do you turn a "fox" into a "cow"? Marry her! Submitted by calamjo Edited by Glaci
This is a good time to punt work.
Slogans for women's T-shirts:� I'm out of estrogen - I have a gun.� Guys have feelings too. But like... who cares?� I don't believe in miracles. I rely on them.� Next mood swing: six minutes.� And your point is?� I used to be schizophrenic, but...
Documentation is like sex: When it's good, it's fantastic, when it's bad...
11th commandment - Covet not thy neighbor's Pentium.
Beat the 5 o'clock rush - Leave work at noon!
Why is it that when you're driving and looking for an address, you turn down the volume on the radio?
Q: Why is being in the military like a blow-job? A. The closer you get to discharge, the better you feel. Submitted by Curtis Edited by Glaci
"There is no substitute for good manners...except fast reflexes."