fictional characters
Sir Gwilym and his men returned to the king's castle bearing bags of gold, and a half a dozen slave women, fruits of plundering the land for a week. "Where.
A man was walking down the street. All of a sudden he heard a loud voice say “Stop! Stand Still! If you take one more step, a brick will fall.
A senator sat in his office, and out of boredom, decided to see what was inside his old filing cabinet. He poked through the contents and came across an old.
Little Red Riding Hood is skipping down the road when she sees the Big Bad Wolf crouched down behind a log. "My what big eyes you have, Mr Wolf", says.
Once upon a time, a beautiful, independent, self-assured princess happened upon a frog in a pond.The frog said to the princess, "I once was a handsome prince until an evil.
A knight went off to fight in the Holy Crusades but before leaving he made his wife wear a chastity belt. After tightly securing it to her, he handed the.