

Corrupt Juror

In Jokes
On January 20, 2023
Murphy, a dishonest lawyer, bribed a man on his client's jury to hold out for a charge of manslaughter, as opposed to the charge of murder which was brought by the state. One carried a penalty of 15 years while the other was a life...


In Jokes
On June 14, 2022
The phone rings at the FBI office. “Hello?" answers an agent. “I’m calling to report my neighbor, Tom. He is hiding coke in his firewood.” “We’ll send some men over, thank you for alerting us.” The next day, the FBI comes over to Tom’s house....

Solitary Confinement

On March 26, 2022

Three guys are convicted of a very serious crime, and they’re all sentenced to twenty years in solitary confinement. They’re each allowed one thing to bring into the cell with.

Bank Robbery

In Jokes
On February 25, 2022
Two accountants were in a bank when a gang of armed robbers burst in. While some of the robbers snatched bundles of cash from the tellers, others lined the customers up against the wall and relieved them of their wallets, watches, and other valuables. As...

Robbed at Night

On November 23, 2021

One night, Murphy was walking home when, all of a sudden, a thief jumped on him. Murphy and the thief began to wrestle. They rolled about on the ground and.

Buying Cyanide

On June 7, 2021

A nice, calm and respectable lady went into the pharmacy, walked up to the pharmacist, looked straight into his eyes, and said, "I would like to buy some cyanide." The.

Best Time to Plant

In Jokes
On March 13, 2021
A prisoner in jail receives a letter from his wife: "Dear Husband, I have decided to plant some lettuce in the back garden. When is the best time to plant them?" The prisoner, knowing that the prison guards read all mail, replied in a letter:...
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