
In Uncategorized
On January 30, 2009
I knew a girl at work once who was truly concerned about her husband's smoking. She told me that she had finally gotten him to agree to limit his smoking at home to only those times when they had finished making love. She had gotten the...

Shit Happens

On January 30, 2009

TAOISM: Shit happens. CONFUCIANISM: Confucius say, "Shit happens". ZEN: (What is the sound of shit happening?) JESUITISM: If shit happens and when nobody is watching, is it really shit? ISLAM:.

Suicidal blonde

In Jokes
On January 30, 2009
Suicidal blonde A blonde girl got so mad about blonde jokes she decided to kill herself. She finds a suitable tree and proceeds to hang herself by the ankles. Two guys come over and say, "Are you trying to kill yourself?" The blonde replies, "Yes, I...
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