Two women go out one night without their husbands. As they came back, right before dawn, both of them drunk, They felt the urge to pee. They noticed the only.
An African diplomat was talking to the prim and proper Washington hostess. "In my country," he said, "the most popular of all activities is making love to our livestock." Shocked,.
"WHO WANTS TO WIN AN OIL WELL". This is how the game is played. A contestant will be required to pick the correct answer out of 4 possible answers. For.
A man was walking in the city, when a particularly dirty and shabby-looking bum who asked him for a couple of dollars for dinner accosted him. The man took out.
Gary Coleman said that if he's elected governor of California, he's going to build condos for "little people." Everything will be scaled down to their size. Kitchen cabinets lower, sinks,.
The beautiful secretary of the president of the Chase Manhattan Bank goes to a sight-seeing tour with a very rich Taiwanese client. The client out of the blue asks her.