-What makes Britain so strong? -It�s the two-party system. One big party on every friday and another big party on every saturday
A young lady, sitting on her minnow bucket while fishing was approached by a man who asked her what she was fishing for? She replied,I'm fishing for a husband! He.
how do u blindfold chinese people? with dental floss.
Esto es una pareja de reci�n casados que tras haber hecho el amor el d�a anterior, la mujer le dice al marido: "Pepe, yo estoy embarazada". "�C�mo vas a estar embarazada, Mar�a?" "Que s�, Pepe, que se me ha hinchado la barriga de una forma...
A man walks into the woman's section of a department store and tells the sales clerk he wants to buy a bra for his wife. "What type of bra?" asked.
Why are builders afraid to have a 13th floor but book publishers aren't afraid to have a Chapter 11? I asked my wife why there were so many dings on.
OSAMA BIN LADEN has been captured. The Americans heard he was hiding in a field. So they sprayed it with VIAGRA and the prick stood up!
A woman dies and goes to heaven. As St. Peter is processing her,she hears a woman screaming in pain. She looks in the room and sees them drilling holes in.
You're a redneck if .... Your name is Junior, Junior.
En un concurso para hallar el nombre m�s corto del mundo, se encontraban un chino, un japon�s y un mexicano. Llaman al chino y le preguntan su nombre. "Me llamo O". Casi todos los espectadores dan por hecho que el hombre aquel ya gan�. Entonces...