Author: wptangerine

All mixed up

In Uncategorized
On January 26, 2009
a guy walks into a bar and sees a jug of money sitting on the tablE he says to the bartender "whats that money for" the bartender says "well its a contest you put in some loose change and then you get 3 tasks if...

Ways to confuse a roommate

In Jokes
On January 25, 2009
These are intended for entertainment purposes only. We do not advise that you ever do these things to a roommate or yourself.130. Challenge your roommate to a duel. If he/she refuses, claim that you have won by forfeit and therefore conquered his/her side of the...

Bar Bet

On January 25, 2009

A guy walks into a bar and says to the bartender "I can pee farther than anyone else" "Yeah" the bartender says. "Sure, and I can pee right on the.

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