

In Uncategorized
On April 17, 2009
A young man joined the Army and signed up with the paratroopers. He went though the standard training, completed the practice jumps from higher and higher structures, and finally went to take his first jump from an airplane. The next day, he called home to...

Say That Again

In Uncategorized
On April 17, 2009
It had promised to be a sensational divorce case, with the wife accused of incredible escapades. Testifying before her own attorney, she projected an image of sweet innocence, told a tale of wifely fidelity and sacrifice, and was quite believable. When it was time for...

Where Am I!!!

On April 17, 2009

A helicopter was flying around above Seattle yesterday when an electrical malfunction disabled all of the aircraft's electronic navigation and communications equipment. Due to the clouds and haze, the pilot.

Nasty Bug

On April 17, 2009

Every night, Frank would go down to the liquor store, get a six-pack, bring it home, and drink it while he watched TV. One night, as he finished his last.

The AP reports

In Uncategorized
On April 17, 2009
The AP reports that close associates of the Clintons concede that following the president's confession of infidelity, his relationship with Hillary has turned rather "frosty"... This contrasts with the president's relationship with Monica Lewinsky, which never seemed "frosty," but did resemble a slurpee or a...
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