

Funeral Comments

In Jokes
On July 24, 2021
Three friends die in a car accident and they go to an orientation in heaven. They are all asked, “When you are in your casket and friends and family are mourning you, what would you like to hear them say about you? The first guy...

Tough Choice

On February 25, 2021

One day while walking downtown, a Human Resources woman was hit by a bus and was tragically killed. Her soul arrived up the Pearly Gates where she met St. Peter..


Deathbed Summons

In Jokes
On February 8, 2021
A preacher on his deathbed summoned his doctor and his lawyer. They came, and he asked them to sit on either side of his bed and hold his hands. They sat thus for a long while until the doctor stirred and said, "You don't have...

Empty Seat

On February 7, 2021

A man goes to the Super Bowl but his tickets are for the upper tier. He spots an open seat on the 50-yard line and grabs it.The guy sitting next.

Final Arrangements

On January 29, 2021

A woman from New York was getting her affairs in order. She wrote her will and made her final arrangements. As part of these arrangements she met with her rabbi.


Pearly Gates Test

In Jokes
On January 24, 2021
Three men, a philosopher, a mathematician and an idiot, were out riding in the car when it crashed into a tree. Before anyone knows it, the three men found themselves standing before the Pearly Gates of Heaven, with St. Peter and the Devil standing nearby....

Message From Beyond

On January 22, 2021

A spiritualist who had recently been widowed met a colleague and reported excitedly that she had just received a message from her dead husband asking her to send him a pack of.

Christmas Accident

On December 25, 2020

Three men die in a car accident on Christmas Eve. They all find themselves at the Pearly Gates waiting to enter Heaven. On entering they must present something related to.


At The Pearly Gates

In Jokes
On September 27, 2018
Three people die - a doctor, a school teacher and the CEO of a large health insurance company. When met at the Pearly Gates by St. Peter, he asks the doctor, 'What did you do in your life?' The Doctor replied, 'I healed the sick...
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