Oh My God!!


There is this man who is an Atheist. He is walking through a forest admiring it’s beauty. He notices the trees, flowers, and everything surrounding him. All of the sudden, a huge bear jumps out from behind one of the bushes. He begins to chase the man and gains ground quickly on him. He captures the man and pins him to the ground.
He is about to swipe his big paw on the man to kill him when the man screams out, “Oh my God!!!!!”
Time freezes and God appears out of nowhere.
He tells the man, “All your life, you have never believed in me and now at this time of need you call upon me.”
The man replies, “I will never become a Christian, but if you could do one thing for me, change the bear into a Christian.”
God, being the nice man he is, agrees and disappears again. The bear begins to slow his paw down and the man is relieved while at the same time the bear begins, “Dear Lord. Please bless this food I am about to receive….”

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