I've had your mu


This bloke walks into a bar and over the next couple of hours proceeds to get increasingly drunk. Suddenly he spots a guy in the corner with a group of friends and begins to verbally abuse him.”Oi you he shouts. I’ve shagged your mum!!” The man carries on drinking trying to ignore the guy’s drunken rantings.Half an hour later the drunk stands up and renews his abuse.”Oi you” he shouts even louder this time “I shagged your mum up the bum”The guy in the corner turns his back on him and continues talking with friends although by now visibly irate. Half a hour later the drunk pipes up once again.”Oi you! your mum sucked my d*ck!!” By now the guy in the corner has lost his cool, he stands up furiously and yells……….. “For f*cks sake Dad go home, you’re embarrassing me.”

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