Author: wptangerine


Bronze Sculpture

In Jokes
On January 29, 2024
A tourist wanders into a back-alley antique shop in San Francisco's Chinatown. Picking through the objects on display he discovers a detailed bronze sculpture of a rat. The sculpture is so interesting and unique that he picks it up and asks the shop owner the...

Old Snake

On January 26, 2024

A old snake goes to see his Doctor. "Doc, I need something for my eyes...can't see well these days". The Doc fixes him up with a pair of glasses and tells.


The Musical Octopus

In Jokes
On January 14, 2024
A guy goes into a bar and orders a beer. When the bartender brings his beer, the guy pays him and puts an octopus on the bar. The bartender tells him, "get that thing out of here!" The guy says, "No, wait you don't understand....

House Colors

In Jokes
On December 26, 2023
A woman wants the inside of her house painted and she calls a contractor in to help her. They wander around the house, and she points out the colors she wants. She says, "Now, in the living room, I'd like to have a neutral beige,...

Remote Batteries

On December 15, 2023

A blonde saw another blonde weeping beside her car. "Do you need help?" she asked. The weeping blonde replied, "I knew I should have replaced the battery in this remote door unlock thing,.


Insurance Policy

In Jokes
On November 28, 2023
Larry's barn burned down, and his wife, Susan, called the insurance company.Susan spoke to the insurance agent and said, "We had that barn insured for fifty thousand dollars, and I want my money."The agent replied, "Whoa there, just a minute. Insurance doesn't work quite like...
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