Author: wptangerine
An honest politician is one who, when bought, stays bought. -Robert Heinlen
When your wife gives your favorite polyester leisure suit to Goodwill and a teenager shows up at your door wearing it on Halloween night. When you throw away your alarm.
Knock KnockWho's there?Gus!Gus who!Gus you don't want to play?!
A scientist was successful in cloning himself. He was asked to speak at a national convention of cloning scientists. The meeting room was located on the 45th floor of a.
Did you see where that lady that won the 20 million dollar lawsuit for the McDonald's coffee being too hot, is suing Walmart? Apparently she bought an Ernie Irvin Shirt.
Un psic�logo venezolano llama a un colega a las 2 de la ma�ana: "�Tienes que venirte para mi consultorio inmediatamente!" "�A las 2 de la ma�ana?" "�Es que tengo un.