Author: wptangerine
Va un tipo al hospital a visitar a su compadre que se encontraba convaleciente. "�Qu� le pas� compadre?" "Mire, (ense��ndole una rajada en la cabeza) ve esto compadre, pues fue.
BROWN: Hey kids! Is half of your head shaved? Do you have a nose ring? Are you terribly progressive and do you have a lot of empathy? Are you sick.
One day three salesmen went to a farmer. They asked him if he wanted to buy some of their products. He said, "All right. Wait here until I come back.
Take all American women who are within five years of menopause. Train us for a few weeks, outfit us with automatic weapons, grenades, gas masks, moisturizer with SPF15, Prozac, hormones,.
The patient went to his doctor for a checkup, and the doctor wrote out a prescription for him in his usual illegible writing. The patient put it in his pocket,.
(Please don't try this at home)August, 1998, Montevideo, UruguayPaolo Esperanza, bass-trombonist with the Simphonica Mayor de Uruguay, in a misplaced moment of inspiration decided to make his own contribution to.