Playing Golf


There were three friends that wanted to play golf every Saturday afternoon, but couldn’t because of their wives who bugged them to stay home.
One day, they finally got together on the golf course and were waiting at the first tee when one guy said, “I had to buy my wife a diamond necklace to get to play today!!!”
The second said, “That’s nothing, I had to buy MY wife a new sports car to get out here today!”
The third said, “Boy you guys are a couple of wimps; I didn’t have to buy my wife anything!!!”
They both look at him and ask how he managed that!
The smartest of the three said, “It was easy, when I got up this morning I looked her straight in the eye and asked, “Golf course or Intercourse?”
She threw me a sweater and said, “Take this, it might get chilly out there!”

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