Nutty Mutts


malamute x pointer = moot point, favorites of lawyers but … it doesn’t seem
to matter.

bull terrier x s***** = bulls****, a gregarious but unreliable breed.

pointer x setter = poinsetter, a traditional christmas pet.

kerry blue terrier x skye terrier = blue skye, a dog for visionaries.

great pyrenees x dachshund = pyradachs, a puzzling breed.

pekingnese x lhasa apso = peekasso, an abstract dog.

irish water spaniel x english springer spaniel = irish springer, a dog fresh
and clean as a whistle.

labrador retriever x curly coated retriever = lab coat retriever, the choice
of research scientists.

newfoundland x basset hound = newfound asset hound, a dog for financial

terrier x bulldog = terribull, a dog that makes awful mistakes.

bloodhound x labrador = blabador, a dog that barks incessantly.

collie x malamute = commute, a dog that travels to work.

deerhound x terrier = derriere, a dog that’s true to the end.

cocker spaniel x rottweiller = cockrot, the perfect puppy for that
philandering ex-husband.

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