Giving birth in the year 4000


In the year 4000, scientists invented a machine that transferred
the pain of childbearing from the mother to the father.
Hal and Binky are going to have septuplets, and they decide to
try the new machine. As Binky goes into labor, she and Hal go to
the hospital and get hooked up to the machine.
As the pain starts to get unbearable, the doctor turns on the
machine and Binky starts to feel better. But something that
baffles the doctor is that Hal doesn’t feel any pain. So he
turns it up a notch. Binky feels great, the pain is getting to
be less and less, but Hal still doesn’t feel anything. Their
first baby is born and the doctor turns up the machine all the
Binky feels great. She’s giving birth to seven kids and doesn’t
feel a thing. So does Hal. “I don’t know what you women are
complaining about. Labor isn’t bad at all” he says to his wife.
The next day, they take their seven babies home, and dead on the
doorstep, is the milkman.

(get it?? the milkman is the father!!! lol!! you better laugh!!!)

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