Train Inspection


Tom was meeting with a train station inspector. Tom had all his equipment in top shape so the inspector decided to give him a quiz to see if he could trip him up. The inspector began: “What would you do if you saw two trains coming at each other on the same track?”

Tom answered that he would hit the button in his tower to switch one train to another track.

“What if the button didn’t work?” the inspector asked.

“Then I would run down and pull the manual lever.” Tom answered.

“What if that level had been hit by lightning and was broken?”

“Then I would come up here and call the next station and ask them to make the switch.” Tom answered.

“What if the phoneline was busy?” The instructor asked.

Annoyed Tom answered, “Then I would run into town and get my Uncle Leo.”

Puzzled, the instructor asked why his Uncle Leo.

Tom smiled back and said, “Because his Uncle Leo has never seen a train crash before.”

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