Billy-Bob and Billy-Joe


It’s 10:00 at the police station. The only officers working that night are Billy-Bob and Billy-Joe. And the power goes out and stays out all night. But this doesn’t bother them.

Billy-Bob: Billy-Joe can I stick my finger in you’r belly-button?

Billy-Joe: Sure Billy-Bob.

A few hours later…..

Billy-Bob: Billy-Joe can I stick my finger in you’r belly-button?

Billy-Joe: Sure Billy-Bob.

It’s midnight…..

Billy-Bob: Billy-Joe can I stick my finger in you’r belly-button?

Billy-Joe: Sure Billy-Bob.

Billy-Joe: Billy-Bob that’s not my belly-button…

Billy-Bob: I know . . . and that’s not my finger.

101560cookie-checkBilly-Bob and Billy-Joe

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