
Clinton Bumper Stickers

In Uncategorized
On May 1, 2009
Here are some "actual" bumper stickers reportedly seen on cars around the DC area: HONK! If you had sex with the President Clinton: We forgive you...Now Resign! Al Gore: One heartthrob from the Presidency Adultery IS NOT a family value Does character matter YET? One...

The French

In Uncategorized
On April 28, 2009
Did you hear that the Post Office had to recall its series of stamps depicting famous Frenchmen? People were confused about which side to spit on. Abolish the tricolor in flavor of a new flag: a whoite cross emblazoned on a white background. American to...


In Uncategorized
On April 26, 2009
Boris Yeltsin, Bill Clinton & Ernesto Zedillo (Mexican President) are in France in a restaurant. The waiter asks "le apperitif?" All of them answer "oui!" The waiter looks at Zedillo "Le tequila?" Zedillo: "oui!" The waiter looks at Yeltsin "Le vodka?" Yeltsin: "oui!" Finally, the...
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