

Harmless Delusion

In Jokes
On February 2, 2021
A woman goes to a psychiatrist and says, "Doctor, you've got to do something about my husband -- he thinks he's a refrigerator!" "I wouldn't worry too much about it," the doctor replies. "Lots of people have harmless delusions. It will pass." "But you don't...

At the Beach

On January 28, 2021

A doctor and his wife were sunbathing on a beach when a well-endowed, beautiful, young, blonde woman in a tight-fitting bikini strolled passed. The woman looked at the doctor, smiled.

Bad Prognosis

On January 23, 2021

Looking down at his patient, the doctor decided to tell him the truth. “Mr. Smith, I am very sorry to tell you this, you are a very sick man. I’m.

Special Pill

In Jokes
On May 30, 2020
"Doc, you've gotta help me! My wife just isn't interested in sex anymore. Haven't you got a pill or something I can give her? I am desperate!" The doctor opens his desk drawer and removes a small bottle of pills. "Ordinarily, I wouldn't do this....

Annual Physical

On April 3, 2018

An old man goes to the doctor for his yearly physical, his wife tagging along. When the doctor enters the examination room, he tells the old man, "I need a.

Doctor and Toddler

In Jokes
On March 9, 2017
A four year old was at the pediatrician for a check up. As the doctor looked down her ears with an otoscope, he asked, "Do you think I'll find Big Bird in here?" The little girl stayed silent. Next, the doctor took a tongue depressor...

Lottery Win

On February 18, 2017

Grandma was nearly ninety years of age when she won $1,000,000 in lottery. Her family were extremely worried about her heart and feared that news of her large win would.

Minor Injury

On July 6, 2016

A woman with a minor injury was at the hospital because her doctor said she wanted to take a closer look at it to make sure everything was all right..

Nurse Nancy

In Jokes
On January 31, 2016
Two doctors were in a hospital hallway one day complaining about Nurse Nancy. “She’s incredibly mixed up,” said one doctor. “She does everything absolutely backwards. Just last week, I told her to give a patient 2 milligrams of morphine every 10 hours, she gave him...
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