

There were three girls: a brunette, a redhead, and a blonde. They were running from the cops, when they ran to a farm and hid, the cops closely on their trail.

The brunette hid with the ducks. The redhead hid with the cows. And the blonde hid with potatoes.

The cops looked in the ducks’ pen and the brunette said, “Quack, quack, quack…”

The cops then looked into the cows’ area and the redhead said, “Moooooo…”

Finally, the cops looked in the the potato patch and the blonde said, “Potatoooooo…”

Only Down South

YOUNG Dave was courting Mabel, who lived on an adjoining farm out west in cattle country. One evening, as they were sitting on Dave’s porch watching the sun go down over the hills, Dave spied his prize bull doing the `usiness on one of his cows.

He sighed in contentment at this idyllic rural scene and figured the omens were right for him to put the hard word on Mabel. He leaned in close and whispered in her ear, “Mabel, I’d sure like to be doing what that bull is doing.”

“Well then, why don’t you? “Mabel whispered back. “It is YOUR cow.”

Only One?

Q: What do you call a guy with one testicle?
A: The una baller

Un tipo va en una

Un tipo va en una visita guiada a una f�brica que produce diferentes productos de l�tex. En la primera parada le muestran la m�quina que fabrica los chupetes de los biberones. La m�quina hace un ruidoso ‘Hishhh-Pop’, ‘Hishhh-Pop’, ‘Hishhh-Pop’.

“El ‘Hishhh’ es el caucho que es inyectado en el molde”, explica la gu�a. “El ‘Pop’ es la aguja que crea un agujero en el extremo del chupete”.

M�s adelante, el viaje alcanza la parte de la f�brica donde se hacen los profil�cticos (condones). Aqu� la m�quina hace un ‘Hishhh’, ‘Hishhh’, ‘Hishhh’, ‘Hishhh-Pop’.

“�Espere un minuto!”, dice nuestro visitante. “Entiendo cual es el ‘Hishhh’ ‘Hishhh’ ‘Hishhh’, pero �qu� es ese ‘Pop’ tan a menudo?”

“Oh, es lo mismo que en la m�quina de los chupetes de biber�n: crea un agujero cada cuatro condones”.

“Pero… eso, �es una mariconada!”

“Efectivamente, pero… �Es buen�simo para el negocio de los chupetes!”

Still a Virgin?

A 13 year-old boy comes home from school and his mom ask how was his day
was. He replies, “I had sex with my teacher today.”

“Oh my god! You get to your room! Wait for your father to get home!” says
the mom.

Awhile later the father comes home and the mom says, “Go up to your son’s
room and talk to him, he’s been really bad today.

Dad goes up to his son’s room and asks why mom is so mad. “I told her that
I had sex with my teacher today,” replied the boy.

“Alright! That’s my boy!”, says dad. “Ya know son, women just don’t think
like men. But I’m proud of you. What are you now, about 13, right? Wow.
That’s my son! Ya know what? I’m so proud of you I’m gonna take you out
and buy you that new bike you’ve been wanting!”

So the dad and his son go out and buy the nicest, reddest, shiniest bike
in the whole town. “You gonna ride it home son?” asks dad.

The boy replied, ” Nah, my ass is still sore.”

Question and answer Clinton joke

Q: If called to testify in a trial how long will it before before Clinton commits perjury?A: When he’s sworn in.

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