Meet the Beatles


The following are excerpts of interviews with the Beatles.

Reporter: Do you date much?
Ringo: What are you doing tonight?

Reporter: Ringo, why do you think you get more fan mail than
anyone else in the group?
Ringo: I don’t know. I suppose it’s because more people write me.

Reporter: How did you find America?
Ringo: We went to Greenland and make a left turn.

Reporter: Is it true you can’t sing?
John pointing to George: Not me. Him.

Reporter: Do you resent fans ripping up your sheets for
Ringo: No, I don’t mind. So long as I’m not in them while the
ripping is going on.

Reporter: Do you like topless bathing suits?
Ringo: We’ve been wearing them for years.

Reporter: Girls rushed toward my car because it had press
identification on it and they thought I met you. How do you
explain this phenomenon?
John: You’re lovely to look at.

Reporter: You were at the Playboy Club last night. What did you
think of it?
Paul: The Playboy and I are just good friends.

Reporter: There’s a “Stamp Out the Beatles” movement underway in
Detroit. What are you going to do about it?
Paul: We’re going to start a campaign to stamp out Detroit.

Reporter: Beethoven figures in one of your songs. What do you
think of Beethoven?
Ringo: He’s great. Especially his poetry.

Reporter: Who thought up the name, Beatles?
Paul: I thought of it.
Reporter: Why?
Paul: Why not?

Reporter: What do you think of the criticism that you are not
very good?
George: We’re not.

Reporter: When you do a new song, how do you decide who sings
the lead?
John: We just get together and whoever knows most of the words
sings the lead.

Reporter: Does all the adulation from teenage girls affect you?
John: When I feel my head start to swell, I look at Ringo and
know perfectly well we’re not supermen.

Reporter: What’s your reaction to a Seattle psychiatrist’s
opinion that you are a menace?
George: Psychiatrists are a menace.

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