After I'm Gone


Fred had not been feeling well, so he went to his long time doctor. The doctor did some tests and walked back into the room. “Fred, I have some bad news for you, and I really don’t know how to tell you. I’ve rerun all the tests and double checked the results. You are going to die of cancer. There is no cure for what you have. You have about 6 to 8 weeks to live.” “Well Doc, I am glad you told me straight out though. Now I can get all my personal affairs in order.” The doctor felt badly about Fred and the next day was at the gym when he heard two guys talking. “Did you hear about Fred?” “Yeah, I heard that he is dying of AIDS!” This really upset the doctor and he rushed over to a telephone to call Fred. “Hello Fred? Did you understand what I told you yesterday?” “Of course Doc. I am dying of cancer and have 6 to 8 weeks to live.” “But I just heard two of your friends say you were dying of AIDS.” “Yeah Doc, I know. You see, after I am gone, I don’t want anyone screwing my wife!”

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