Blonde quickies 10


Q: What do blondes and cow-pats have in common ?
A: They both get easier to pick-up with age.

Q: What does a screen door and a blonde have in common?
A: The more you bang it the looser it gets.

Q: What does a blond and a beer bottle have in common?
A: They’re both empty from the neck up.

Q: What do blonds and spagetthii have in common?
A: They both wriggle when you eat them.

Q: What do peroxide blonds and black men have in common?
A: They both have black roots.

Q: Why did the deaf blond sit on a newspaper?
A: So she could lip read.

Q: How do you drown a blond?
A: Put a mirror at the bottom of the pool.

Q: How do you drown a blonde?
A: Don’t tell her to swallow.

Q: Why did the blonde drown in the pool ?
A: Someone left a scratch and sniff at the bottom of the pool.

Q: Why do blonds have square boobs?
A: Because they forgot to take the tissues out of the box.

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