Going fishing


There was a man on his way to work. and his truck ran out of gas. so he gets out looks around.theres a house about 3/4 of a mile down the rode. And another house about 1/2 mile . So he decides to go to the closest one. He gets to house and is about to knock. when he looks in the window. he sees a man sitting in a recliner. wacking his pud and twirling his finger in a fish tank. there also was a olady standing infront of him pushing a lawnmower back and forth on the carpert. so hes like fuck this im going to the other house. he gets there. knocks and a man anwsers the door. he asks whats the problem. he tells the man about him running out of gas about 3/4 of a mile down the road. he telles him yeh ill help. but first. will you tell me why you didnt go to the house 1/2 mile away? the man replys .i did but there fuckin crazy!! i got there and there was a man wacking his pud. with his other hand in the fish tank. twirling his finger around and an olady running a lawnmower back and forth across the capet!!! the man says there not crazy. there acouple of deaf mutes !! the olady is telling him to go mow the lawn. and hes saying. go fuck your self im going fishing!!!!!!

101210cookie-checkGoing fishing

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