G.W.Bush was very depressed that people were saying he is stupid. So he calls his good friend Queen Elizabeth, who says, "Now George, what you need to do is to.
Joe was travelling through Mexico on vacation when, lo and behold, he lost his wallet and all identification. Cutting his trip short, he attempts to make his way home but.
The president was trying to keep his presidential promise by putting more women on his staff.
A farmer just got married and was going home on his wagon pulled by a team of horses. When one of the hoses stumbled, he said, "That's once." Then it.
The AP reports that close associates of the Clintons concede that following the president's confession of infidelity, his relationship with Hillary has turned rather "frosty"... This contrasts with the president's.
Bush and Powell were sitting in a bar. A guy walked in and asked the barman, "Isn't that Bush and Powell?" The barman said, "Yep, that's them." So the guy.