
An elderly lady did her shopping and upon return found 4 males in her car. She dropped her shopping bags and drew her handgun, proceeding to scream at them at the top of her voice that she knows how to use it and that she...

Four Vets

On April 26, 2009

There were four vets sitting around a camp fire sharing war stories. A Blue Angle, A Navy Seal, Marine Forest Recon, and an Army Ranger. The Blue Angle spoke up.

Sympathy in the Army

In Uncategorized
On April 25, 2009
Several years ago a Brit friend of mine told a story in which an army officer was notified that the parents of one of his enlisted men (whose surname was Hawkins) had been killed in an accident. The officer summoned the man's sergeant, advised him...

Army Life

In Uncategorized
On April 9, 2009
The instructor wanted to impress upon the soldiers how horrific any combat could become using nuclear weapons. He told the class, "The next war will be over in a matter of hours." One recruit whispered to a buddy, "Good !!! We'll get the rest of...
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