Home on the Web


Home on the Web —————– (to the tune of “Home on the Range”)
VERSE: Oh give me a site where the links all work right — one that doesn’t take too long to load — where the text can be seen on my 13-inch screen — one that offers a “no-Java” mode.

REFRAIN: Home, home on the Web on my 486 IBM. Please take pity on me — I’m still on Netscape 3 with a 14.4-speed modem!

VERSE: Though your video files give your pages some style I can’t read them upon my PC; Massive graphics and sound crash my system, I’ve found, so please put in some “alt” tags for me!

REFRAIN: Home, home on the Web on my 486 IBM Please take pity on me — I’m still on Netscape 3 with a 14.4-speed modem!

VERSE: Please don’t ask me to “chat” with your favorite cat; I don’t have an IRC code. And don’t ask me to buy games for Win 95 — My PC is way too darn old!

REFRAIN: Home, home on the Web on my 486 IBM Please take pity on me — I’m still on Netscape 3 with a 14.4-speed modem!

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