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Football Tryouts


A college football coach was holding tryouts for the team one day, and a huge, hulking freshman showed up on the field and said he’d never played football, but he’d like to give it a shot.
“Can you tackle?” asked the coach. The freshman looked around and spotted a telephone pole at the edge of the field. Without any delay or any padding, he charged smack into the pole, shattering it to splinters.
“Wow,” said the coach. “I’m impressed! Can you run?”
“Sure,” said the freshman. He took off and dashed from one end of the field to the other and back, faster than anyone the coach had ever seen.
“That’s great!” said the coach. He tossed a ball to the young man and asked, “Do you think you can pass a football?”
The freshman turned the ball over in his hands, hesitating for a few seconds, and shrugged. “Well, sir,” he said, “If I can swallow it, I can probably pass it!”

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