Mike walked into a post office just before Valentine's day, he couldn't help noticing a middle-aged, balding man standing in a corner sticking "Love" stamps on bright pink envelopes with.
An elderly man in Oklahoma calls his son in New York and says, "I hate to ruin your day son, but I have to tell you that your mother and.
A lawyer runs a stop sign and gets pulled over by a sheriff. He thinks he's smarter being a big shot lawyer from New York and has a better education.
Employer to applicant: "In this job we need someone who is responsible." Applicant: "I'm the one you want. On my last job, every time anything went wrong, they said I.
Teacher: Billy stop making ugly faces at other students Billy: Why?? Teacher: Well, when I was your age, I was told that if I kept making ugly faces, my face.
While a little boy was at school, his cat died. Worried about how he would take the news when he got home, his mother consoled him and said: "Don't worry.