Author: admin

Counterfeit Money

In Jokes
On September 10, 2023
A big-city counterfeiter decided the best place to pass off his phony $18 bills would be in some small, rural, out-of-the-way town. So he got into his new, fine car, and off he went.He found a tiny town with a single store. He entered the...

A Fine Day

On September 9, 2023

One day a husband randomly says to his wife, "Today is a fine day!" The next day, he says it again: "Today is a fine day." Again the next day,.

Biting Nails

On September 8, 2023

Two older women met for tea one day and started fussing about their husbands."I do wish my Leroy would stop biting his nails. The sound drives me crazy, and his.

Medical Concerns

In Jokes
On September 7, 2023
After his exam, the doctor said to an elderly man, "You appear to be in good health. Do you have any medical concerns you would like to ask me about?"In fact, I do," said the old man. "After I have sex with my wife, I...

Sunday with Grandpa

On September 6, 2023

A young boy was spending Sunday afternoon with his grandpa. Looking at pictures of his grandpa in his military uniform, the boy asked, "Grandpa, did you ever kill anyone in.

Arrogant Defendant

On September 5, 2023

A defendant wasn’t happy with how things were going in court, so he gave the judge a hard time. Judge: “Where do you work?” Defendant: “Here and there.” Judge: “What.


Silent Treatment

In Jokes
On September 4, 2023
A frustrated wife decided to give her husband the silent treatment for an entire week. For seven days, she didn't say anything to him at all. She was hoping it would make him more attentive to her and to their marriage. At the end of...

True Love

On September 3, 2023

A man was standing in front of the bathroom mirror one evening admiring his reflection. After a while, he turned to his wife of 20 years and posed the following.

Special Order

On September 2, 2023

A man goes into a coffee shop and says, "I would like one of your special breakfasts.""No problem," comes the reply from behind the counter."But I want it my way,".


Picky Eater

In Jokes
On September 1, 2023
One evening, a family sat down for dinner. The mother served fish and cauliflower. They were all eating until four-year-old Jack, chewing on his fish, found a bone.He pulled it out of his mouth and asked, "Mom, what should I do with this?""Put it where...
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