Three Men and a River


Once there were three blond who were all trying to figure out
how to cross a river. They tried walking across, but it was much
too deep. Stumped, they sat down and began to cry.

Soon, a kind fairy came along. When she saw their tears, she
offered to give them each a wish if they would stop weeping.

The first man wished, “I wish I was smart enough to figure out
how to cross this river.”


The fairy turned him into a man with light-brown hair. He swam
across the river.

The second man wished, “I wish I was even smarter than that.”


The fairy turned him into a man with dark-brown hair. He built a
rowboat and rowed across.

The third man wished, “I want to be smarter then any man alive!”


The fairy turned him into a woman and he walked across the

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