

In Jokes
On March 10, 2009
A lesson of history. The teacher ask the kids: - Who took Bastilia? No one answers. She gets angry and yells at them: - You are going to tell me who took Bastilia! Meanwhile the director of the school is passing by. - Don'tcha get...

Giddy up

On March 10, 2009

"Just to establish some parameters," said the professor, "Mr. Nichols, what is the opposite of joy?" "Sadness," said the student. "And the opposite of depression, Ms. Biggs?" "Elation." "And you,.

What is their best option?

In Jokes
On March 8, 2009
1) Zelda and Jane were given a rottweiler at their commitment ceremony. If their dog needs to be walked two miles a day and they walk at a rate of 1/2 mile per hour, how much time will they spend discussing their relationship in public?...


In Jokes
On March 7, 2009
A practical medicine exam. The first co-ed walks in. Professor: - Spit here. How, take the microscope and tell me what that is? - It's sperm, professor. - You flunk!!! Next! Next students walk in and the same question with the same sample is asked....


On March 5, 2009

In a Local school one day, the Mathematics teacher got in and told the class that they will be dealing Addition and Subtraction. After teaching he asked a student John.

An odd answer

On March 4, 2009

Biddle and Payne, two elderly English professors, were having lunch in the cafeteria. During the course of the conversation, Biddle said,"A student gave me a peculiar answer in class today..

Crowded mens room

In Jokes
On March 3, 2009
Professor Pollen went into the men's room on the train and found it crowded with other men. When he came out ten minutes later, his wife said,"Darling, you've still got whiskers. Why didn't you shave?" "Oh, dear! I thought I did," he said. "But there...
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