Help in the restroom


A man walks into a public men’s room, His arms are held awkwardly out to his sides, forearms hanging limply, fingers spread apart.

He approaches another man and asks, ‘Excuse me, but could you please unzip my fly?’

The second fellow is embarrassed, but feels sorry for the stranger, who appears to be crippled. He thinks how humiliating it must be to have to ask for help for something like this, so he complies, unzipping the first man’s pants.

Next, the man asks him to hold his penis while he pees. The second guy is even more embarrassed, but does as he is asked.

Finally, the first guy finishes, and the second man starts to put his penis back in his pants.

‘Oh, I can take care of that.’ the first man says, blowing on his fingers. ‘I think my nails are dry now.’

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