4 floors knocking


Somewhere in the city there was a small apartment building. there were four floors and 1 person lived on each floor.On the first floor there lived a police man. Everybody could tell it was him at the door because he knocked once.On the second floor there lived a fire man. Everybody could tell it was him at the door because he knocked twice.On the third floor there lived a blind man. Everybody could tell it was him at the door because he knocked three times.On the Fourth floor there lived a woman. Everybody could tell it was her at the door because she knocked four times.one day the woman was in the shower and she heard one knock at the door. She put on her robe and answered the door. It was the police man. He said “guess what! guess what! I just made my first arrest!” Then he left and the woman went back in the shower.Then she heard two knocks at the door. so she put on her robe and answered the door. It was the fire man. He said “guess what! guess what! i just saved a person from a burning building!” then he left and she went back in the shower.A while later she heard 3 knocks at the door. She knew it was the blind man, so she didn’t put on her robe and she answered the door. He said “guess what! guess what! I just got might sight back!===== From Cara 🙂

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