The prince


It was a hot summer day in west Texas when an elderly old woman and her dog rex found a magic bottle. As she cleaned off the bottle an indian shaman appeared before her. The shaman made his way over to the old woman and said he would give her three blessings from the gods. The old woman couldnt believe this and said for her first wish she wanted to be turned into a beautiful princess who all the men across the globe would lust for. Next she decided that if she was going to be this beautiful her house would have to be worthy of her her presence. so she had the shaman turn her shack into a magical kingdom full of money. Finally she decided she could not live alone anymore as she had for so many years. so she had the shaman turn old rex into a handsome prince who would all long and lust for her. When this happened she jumped for glee and begged for rex to take her on the floor right then and there and as rex took her into his arms he looked deep into her eyes and said:

To bad you cant wish you never had me fixed huh bitch???

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