

The wealthy wife of a very successful businessman went to the
portrait artist for her first sitting. The portrait, a gift for
her husband. She explained to the artist what she wanted, “You
should paint me like I am. These little wrinkles, you put them
on your canvas. The lines under my eyes, the flab on my arms,
the turn in my nose, and the mole on my cheek, they all
stay….BUT on my hands you put lots of rings with big diamonds
and emeralds and bright jewels. Around my neck you put chains of
gold and diamonds. Do you understand?”

The artist looked at her in earnest and asked why she should
want such detail of real life in her physical appearance, but
adorn herself with the phony jewelry.

She replied, “When I die my husband will re-marry. The new wife,
she should go crazy looking for the jewels.”


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