The Jewish CIA


President Bush, newly elected, calls in the head of the CIA and
asks, “How come the Jews know everything before WE do?”

The CIA chief says, “It’s because the Jews have this expression,
‘Vus Tutzuch? (What’s doing?)’ They just ask each other and they
know everything! “

George Bush says that he has to see it to believe it, and he
wants to personally go undercover.

He gets dressed up (the hat, beard, etc…) as an orthodox Jew
and is secretly flown under radar in an unmarked plane to New
York, where he is picked up in an unmarked car and dropped off
in Brooklyn’s most Jewish neighborhood.

Soon this little old Jewish man comes shuffling along and George
whispers to him, “Vus Tutzuch?”

The old guy whispers back, “Did you hear President Bush is in
Brooklyn ?”

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